NJWLA will be accepting Grant Applications from nonprofit, federally tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations for programs specific to the mission and purpose of NJWLA, i.e., programs that research, develop, and/or implement solutions strategies and initiatives to: 1) support and promote women lawyers to the highest levels of law firm, government, academic, community and corporate positions and the judiciary; 2) engage in statewide and/or nationwide efforts designed to retain women in the legal profession, including through providing education; 3) remove barriers to women’s entry and advancement in the legal profession; 4) develop and promote women leaders, role models and mentors in the legal profession; 5) educate the legal profession and general public about gender equity concerns and issues related to the legal profession; 6) provide a voice for women, including in shaping legislation of importance to women; and 7) encourage women to attend law school.
Stay tuned for news on the 2020 Grants Application!