In This Issue
Member News
2016-2017 Executive Board
Grantee Update
Committee Spotlight
5th Annual “Fore Ladies Only” Golf Outing & Clinic
2016 Judicial Panel
Installation Dinner
Women at the Bar Event Photos
Upcoming Events
Member News
Board Member,
Susan Feeney,
will recieve the Saint Thomas More Medal from Seton Hall Law and the Saint Thomas More Society at an annual Mass celebrating the judiciary.
Board Member,
Tanya Mascarich,
was recently selected by her peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2017 in the field of Insurance Law.
Samantha Fasanello
has been selected as one of Chief Justice Rabner’s clerks for the 2017-2018 term.
Have you recently …..
Won a summary judgment motion?
Closed a big deal?
Tried your first case?
Started a new job?
Had a baby?
Earned a promotion?
Returned to the workforce?
Celebrated 10, 20, 25, etc. years as a lawyer?
Been named a Rising Star or SuperLawyer in your field?
Whatever your good news is, we want you to share your success! Please email
with any details you would like to be included in our next NJWLA newsletter
Executive Board Officers and Directors
The following is the complete list of the
Executive Board Officers and Directors of
New Jersey Women Lawyers Association.
We congratulate all of our newly elected Board Members for the 2016-2017 Board Year (Executive Board) and for the 2016-2018 Board Term (Director and
Trustee at Large Positions).
We welcome you to the NJWLA Leadership if you are new to our Board and thank you for your continuing commitment if you are a returning Board Member.
All Board positions became effective July 1, 2016.
Loren Pierce
Annmarie Simeone
Vice President
Michelle Schaap
Chief Financial Officer
Sandra Moran
Operating Officers
Kathleen Barnett Einhorn
Susan Kleiner
Jemi Goulian Lucey
Co-General Counsel
Susan O’Connor
Brett Harris
Diversity Officers
Osatu Chitou
Lora Fong
Linda Harvey
Melissa Bracuti
Elyse Wolff
Immediate Past President
Jessica Stein Allen
Nominations Co-Directors
Suzanne Cerra
Randi Kochman
Committee Chairs/Directors
Best Practices
Michele Haas
Laura Conway
Jewel Watson
Khabirah Myers
Marisa Kussoy
Sharmila Jaipersaud
Susan Feeney
Carmen M. Garcia
Angela Iuso
Gala Committee
Dina Mastellone
Stacey Adams
Grants/Charitable Giving
Jen Barna
Wendy Klein
Karen Wachs
Elizabeth Gramigna
Judicial Outreach
Heather Boshak
Diana Manning
Loly Tor
Irina Elgart
Carole Lynn Nowicki
Tanya Mascarich
Nancy Arencibia
Theresa Donahue Egler
Nancy Lottinville
Michelle Sekowski
Jaimee Katz Sussner
Public Policy
Christine Bator
Jody Carbone
Ellen Torregrossa-O’Connor
Solo/Small Firm
Cherie Adams
Lorraine Gauli-Rufo
Renee Rubino
Women’s Leadership
Jennifer Borek
Victoria Cioppettini
Silvia Fernandes
Natalie Richer
Young Lawyers
Grace Byrd
Jessica Carroll
Abigail Remore
Trustees at Large
Michellene Davis
Donna Jennings
Lisa Presser
Kristin Sostowski
Past Presidents
Kirsten Scheurer Branigan
Lynne Anne Anderson
Lynda Bennett
Wendy Johnson Lario
Galit Kierkut
Grantee Update
With the support of the New Jersey Women Lawyer’s Association’s Grant Program, the Alice Paul Institute successfully ran Alice Paul Professional Leadership Institute (APPLI): College & Careers, a summertime career and college exploration program for high school girls from July 25-28, 2016. 15 girls visited Rowan University, Rutgers University-Camden, Rowan College at Burlington County, Virtua Hospital, to learn about medical careers, Lockheed Martin, to learn about engineering careers in addition to attending a host of workshops on college ranking, admission essay writing, personal finance, resume writing, college financial aid, and promoting yourself positively on social media promotion. A key success of the program took part in the final day when women professionals from a variety of careers worked with the girls learning, networking skills in a round-robin speed-networking session at Paulsdale. Attorney and NJWLA board member Michelle Schaap volunteered her time to talk with the girls about her career in law, providing inspiration and advice for aspiring attorneys.
Summer 2016 Newsletter
Committee Spotlight
In an effort to help familiarize our membership with each NJWLA committee, each quarterly E-newsletter will highlight four different committees. A list of all committees and committee directors can be found here. This edition will highlight the following committees: (1) Programming and Sponsorship; (2) Grants and Charitable Giving; (3) Marketing; and (4) Public Policy.
The Programming and Sponsorship committee is responsible for identifying and obtaining corporate, individual, academic and law firm sponsors for events promoted or organized by NJWLA as well as the Fall Kick-Off party, the Holiday Party, and Law Day. The Fall Kick-Off party is traditionally held in September and the primary focus of this event is to introduce women to the organization and its committee system. The Holiday Party is held each December at the office of the host law firm. Rather than simply making a monetary donation to a charitable partner, guests of the Holiday Party are asked to make an in-kind donation, which is given to the needy through that event’s charitable partner. Law Day is celebrated on May 1st each year during which representatives from the Programming and Sponsorship Committee and other members present a program to high school students on the annual topic set by the ABA. Already this year, the committee has been instrumental in organizing “An Evening with Irin Carmon & Shana Knizhnik” (the authors of Notorious RBG), which is scheduled for October 13, 2016.
Each year, the Grants and Charitable Giving Committee evaluates and makes recommendations for NJWLA grants to be awarded to non-profit organizations. Organizations considered offer programs that research, develop, and/or implement solutions, strategies or initiatives to support and promote women lawyers; engage in statewide and/or nationwide efforts designed to retain women in the legal profession; remove barriers to women’s entry and advancement in the legal profession; develop and promote women leaders, role models and mentors in the legal profession, educate the legal profession and general public about gender equity concerns and issues; and/or provide a voice for women, including in shaping legislation of importance to women and encouraging women to attend law school. Since its inception, NJWLA has awarded $130,000 in grants to deserving organizations. The application process begins in the Fall with each year’s grantees being announced by February of the grant year.
The Marketing Committee is responsible for distributing NJWLA news to membership and the outside media. The committee is in charge of creating press releases, social media content and the quarterly newsletter. The Marketing Committee is committed to sharing your success and encourages members to email with any details you would like to be included in the next NJWLA newsletter or on social media.
The Public Policy Committee reviews pending legislation, rules or regulations both at the state and federal levels. The committee then determines which pieces of legislation should be presented to the NJWLA Board and recommends actions to be taken by NJWLA. The Public Policy Committee is presenting “Meet the Political Party Leaders,” a panel discussion being hosted by Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP and the Mercer County and Middlesex County Bar Associations on September 28, 2016.
Please see the “Upcoming Events” section of this E-Newsletter for more information or to register for the events mentioned here.
5th Annual
“Fore Ladies Only”
Golf Outing & Clinic
May 22, 2016
Cedar Hill Golf and Country Club

Livingston, New Jersey – Since its inception in 2012, The NJWLA & ECBF “Fore Ladies Only” Golf Outing and Clinic has always been more than a day of golf and networking. The attendees have done more than learn putting, driving, chipping and course etiquette. Each year, the women provide a selected charity with support, funding and a platform to express its story and mission. This year’s charitable partner was One Simple Wish, a grassroots organization that grants wishes to children in foster care through the social service agencies that support them. NJWLA and ECBF exceeded One Simple Wish’s fundraising goal, and were able to grant the wishes of several children, including simple necessities of clothing, life affirming wishes to celebrate a child’s achievements, and luggage for one child that is newly entering the foster care system.
2016 Judicial Panel
Camden, New Jersey-

Camden, New Jersey-
NJWLA expresses its gratitude to our Judicial panelists, the Honorable Ann Marie Donio, the Honorable Marie Lihotz and the Honorable Karen M. Williams for sharing their expertise and personal experiences at our 2016 Judicial Panel. Sincere thanks to Professor Ann Freedman for moderating the engaging and informative panel discussion and to our very generous sponsor, White and Williams LLP, for its support of NJWLA and its mission.
2016 Installation Dinner
July 11, 2016
La Focaccia

Summit, New Jersey – More than sixty NJWLA board members gathered at La Focaccia on July 11th for the annual New Jersey Women Lawyers Association Installation Dinner.
The Honorable Lois H. Goodman offered the opening remarks and administered the oath of office to incoming NJWLA President, Loren Pierce and the entire board. Pierce addressed attendees about her vision for the upcoming year. She began by reminiscing about her introduction to the NJWLA shortly after the revitalization a decade ago. Pierce then echoed the sentiment of the immediate past president, Jessica Allen, and stressed the importance of “leaning in” as well as “leaning on” in an effort to continue the success of NJWLA as well as the success of female attorneys as a whole. Pierce then celebrated NJWLA’s achievements, highlighted the progress NJWLA has made since its revitalization, and introduced her plan for the upcoming year.
“Women at the Bar”
Summer Cocktail Party
“Women at the Bar”
Summer Cocktail Party

Upcoming Events
Fall Kick Off Cocktail Party
Come join NJWLA as we kick off another year of great programming, networking, ‘leaning in’ and ‘leaning on’ over food, drinks, great conversation and camaraderie!

September 20, 2016
Le Malt Lounge
Colonia, NJ
Register Here
Meet the Political Party Leaders
Hosted by
Women’s Leadership Forum at Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP
and the Mercer and Middlesex County Bar Associations
Network with Legislators, Political Party County Chairs and State Committee Members at a unique program on election law presented by the Public Policy Committee of the
New Jersey Women Lawyers Association

September 28, 2016
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis
Iselin, NJ
Register Here
An evening
with the authors of
Notorious RBG
Please join NJWLA and NJSBA’s Women in the Profession Section for an evening of engaged discussion over dinner and cocktails and a book signing by authors. |