New Jersey Women Lawyers Association |
Press Release |
NEW JERSEY WOMEN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION AND HISPANIC BAR ASSOCIATION of NJ PRESENT NUTS AND BOLTS OF THE JUDICIAL AND NJ STATE APPOINTMENTS PROCESS New Brunswick, NJ- Approximately 100 attorneys attended the “How To Become a Judge, Commissioner or Board Member: Nuts and Bolts of the Judicial and New Jersey State Appointments Process” panel discussion and networking reception on Tuesday, April 5th at the Law Center in New Brunswick, NJ. Panelists included Honorable Lois H. Goodman, United States Magistrate Judge, Susan A. Feeney, Partner at McCarter & English, LLP, E. Michael Angulo, General Counsel at Stockton University,Andrea Martinez Mejia, Community Health Services Coordinator for the City of Trenton and Yolanda Rodriguez, Assistant Counsel, Appointments Office, Office of the Governor of the State of New Jersey. The moderators were Kirsten S. Branigan, Founder of the Law Office of Kirsten Scheurer Branigan, P.C. and Arlene Quinones Perez, Partner at DeCotiis, FitzPatrick & Cole, LLP. Panelists provided practical advice on best practices for potential candidates to achieve a NJ or federal judicial appointment and/or appointment to a NJ Board or Commission through a vibrant and well-informed discussion. The panelists also discussed the process candidates for both judicial and board consideration undergo. The panelists emphasized the need to plan for and begin engaging in the application and lengthy appointment process as early as possible. The program was sponsored by McCarter English, LLP, Barnabas Health, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters, DeCotiis, FitzPatrick and Cole, LLP, Law Office of Kirsten Scheurer Branigan, P.C. and Hudson Court Reporting. The program was co-sponsored by the Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey and the Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey. Supporters included the New Jersey Muslim Lawyers Association, the Diversity Committee, Women in the Profession Section and LGBT Rights Section of the NJSBA and the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey. About New Jersey Women Lawyers Association The NJWLA is an independent association of over one thousand attorneys, law students and judges in New Jersey. Its mission is to retain women in the legal profession through education and activism; promote its members to the highest levels of law firm, government, academic, community and corporate positions; and endorse qualified female attorneys for appointments to the state and federal judiciary. More information about the NJWLA, including membership materials, can be found at www.njwla.org. |