Thank you to NJWLA’s Young Lawyers Committee and the NJSBA Young Lawyers Division, for an informative and fun panel discussion surrounding in person practice in the court room, the board room, and the lunch room. Our impressive panelists, Melanie Chernoff, Ali Loprete, Valerie Weiss, NaSheena Porter and Nicole Castiglione, led by Moderator, Rachael Segal and introduced by Danielle Schweizer, provided helpful tips on practicing, managing time, managing adversaries, and tools that have worked for them in their various fields of practice. The event was graciously hosted and sponsored by
Lerner David LLP, in a lovely space for networking, with an incredible spread of dinner that led to even more conversation and gathering. We thank all who attended, our panelists, planners, and host and sponsor for a fabulous event!