It is hard to believe that my term as NJWLA President is coming to a close. It has been the pinnacle of my legal career to serve as President of this amazing organization. The success of NJWLA is not possible without the remarkable effort, dedication, and ingenuity of our Board, our Past Presidents, our Executive Director Colleen Skinner, and of course, our next President, Diana Manning, my trusted sounding board, cheerleader and friend. I know this organization will continue to thrive under her leadership along with President-Elect Sharmila Jaipersaud. All of these women exemplify the core mission of NJWLA and I am in continued awe of the power we have when we support and inspire each other.
We were finally able to celebrate in person at NJWLA’s 14th Annual Women’s Initiative and Leaders in the Law Platinum Gala on March 29, 2022. NJWLA’s Gala celebrated women who have achieved success in their careers and who have earned the admiration and respect of this profession. Their careers teach us valuable lessons about the importance of speaking up, being fearless and shattering barriers. Motivated by the NJWLA’s core mission – to advance and retain women in the law – NJWLA continued to “pay it forward” through its Grants and Scholarship Programs. By awarding Grants, NJWLA supports community partners whose critical work puts our mission in action. In addition, Scholarship funds raised were awarded to the best and brightest law students so they can continue our work and commitment to building a better future for women lawyers in the State of New Jersey.
NJWLA continued to reexamine the sources of barriers and challenges we face in the legal profession and work to identify solutions. NJWLA continued its ongoing conversations centered on allyship and efforts to eliminate bias and racism in the legal profession. Guided by the inspiring leadership of our Co-Chief Diversity Officers, Jewel McGowan Watson, Reneé Rubino and Sheea Sybblis, NJWLA held a DEI Training Session for the Board, updated NJWLA’s Mission Statement and established a DEI Action Plan and Checklist to recommit ourselves to breaking down barriers to advance diversity, equality and inclusion efforts in this profession.
Despite continued Covid challenges, NJWLA grew to more than 2,300 members and with the support of our loyal sponsors, continued to put on dynamic and insightful programs, CLEs and in-person events this term:
• Our Fall Kickoff Cocktail Party gave everyone the opportunity to finally get back together in person to meet, mingle, and kick-off another dynamic year of programming.
• Speed Mentoring, spearheaded by our amazing Women’s Leadership Committee, was modeled after speed dating and was focused on quick-hit information and time-efficient networking to help our members find a mentor, mentee, or ally in all stages of their careers. We were joined by an amazing group of Judges, law clerks, law students, law firm partners, associates, and in-house counsel who participated as mentors or mentees.
• Pathways to Leadership where attendees were treated to an inspirational evening with NJWLA’s Past Presidents and New Jersey’s most prominent women leaders who provided thoughtful, candid and inspirational insights into their career paths. The program also explored career development, self-promotion, work-life balance and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
• What’s in Your “Go Bag”? Practical Tips for Solos and Small Firms on Emergency Funding and Surviving a Crisis, led by our Solo & Small Firm Committee, provided vital information on funding opportunities as well as what a small law firm or solo practitioner should have in her “go bag” in the case of a crisis.
• Friendsgiving & Mixology,hosted by our Young Lawyers Committee, gave our members a lively virtual evening of mixology, trivia, & entertainment to celebrate the holidays.
• It’s OK to Not be OK, organized by NJWLA’s In House Committee along with the Association of Corporate Counsel New Jersey (ACC-NJ), participants shared candid stories and tips on navigating the “new normal.”
• Tales from the Bench, our Judicial Outreach Committee spotlighted our Gala Honoree, the Hon. Marianne Espinosa (Ret.). Members heard candid insights about Judge Espinosa’s legal career and ascension to the bench over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
• NJWLA’s Annual Holiday Party was generously sponsored and hosted by our Women’s Leadership Co-Chair Megan Monson and Past President Lynda Bennett at Lowenstein Sandler LLP. Our attendees enjoyed getting together in person to toast to 2022 and support this year’s charitable partner, Partners, a non-profit public interest law firm that is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
• Why Embracing Self-Care is the Best Way to Avoid Professionalism & Ethics Pitfalls: Putting on our Own Oxygen Masks Before Helping Others offered a free Zoom Ethics CLE and explored the interconnectedness of well-being and ethical conduct.
• What Got You Here Won’t Get You There — How to Land and Succeed in Your Next Role presented by Elise Holtzman of The Lawyers Edge, where we examined the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs you must shift in order to progress, how to resist the natural pressure to maintain the status quo, and how to overcome inertia and create your path forward.
• NJWLA’s Virtual Open House offered an opportunity for members and non-members to learn about the benefits of NJWLA membership, our endorsement and nomination processes, and our incredible programs and events.
• NJWLA’s Mentoring Program was re-launched by our Young Lawyers and Women’s Leadership Committees to help create long-lasting professional mentoring relationships by pairing women who can teach, encourage, and champion each other while assisting and inspiring the next generation of leaders to navigate this profession by finding rewarding connections.
• Pathways to the Bench where we heard insights from NJWLA Board Member Honorable Harriet K. Derman (Ret.); Past Board Members Hon. Stacey D. Adams and Hon. Ellen Torregrossa O’Connor; Past President Hon. Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J.; Hon. Lois H. Goodman, U.S.M.J.; Hon. Sharon A. King, U.S.M.J.; Hon. Bina Desai, J.S.C.; and Hon. Lisa Miralles Walsh who educated participants about the process of becoming a judge, both at the State and Federal levels, provided practical tips on successfully navigating the judicial appointment process.
• Tips for Women Lawyers to Develop and Maintain the Client Relationship spearheaded by our Solo/Small Firm and In House Committees where we discussed building and maintaining relationships between in house counsel and the solo and small firm practitioner.
• FORE Ladies Only Golf Outing & Clinic where we partnered with the Essex County Bar Foundation for a great day of clinics, golf and camaraderie, while also supporting Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity (MEND) Hunger Relief Network as our charitable partner.
• A Collaborative and Open Discussion about Client Origination and Matter Management spearheadedandmoderated by our incomparable Past President Lynda Bennett. Attendees heard from In-House counsel and law firm leaders on what radical change is needed to promote greater equity in the process.
As I look back on this year and begin my new role as Immediate Past President, I cannot help but be proud of the organization, its members, its voice, and the work we have done together over these past 12 months. NJWLA’s success is directly tied to the extraordinary women on this Board, the diversity of thought, and, of course, the financial support of our loyal and generous sponsors. I look forward to continuing to assist in empowering and advancing women in the legal profession, supporting NJWLA, its future leadership and its growth as we continue to further its mission.
To my firm, Genova Burns LLC, especially my partners and NJWLA Board members Kathleen Barnett Einhorn and Jennifer Borek, thank you for championing NJWLA and providing me with endless support and encouragement to serve as its President. In closing, let’s continue to ensure women are in the room where it happens even in a hybrid and remote world. We can’t do it alone, even though we want to and believe we can; there’s strength in numbers, in networking and leaning on one another. While we have much work to do, I have no doubt the continued work of NJWLA will get us there.