12:00pm – 1:00pm
We cordially invite you to join the Association of Corporate Counsel New Jersey and the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association for an hour of great discussion. With the world still experiencing difficult times, and many of us feeling “not ok”, as well as seeing much divisiveness, confusion, sadness, and unsureness about the new normal… we thought it would be a good time to join together for lunch and conversation.

lease join us for lunch and discussion. If you would like some ideas to help prompt your thoughts for conversation, we have supplied a few short links to Tedx talks below to watch before we get together. Feel free to click any or all of the below links to view:
Mayim Bialik and Drew Barrymore talk about mental health – 7 minutes
Brene Brown on vulnerability and connections-14 minutes
Glennon Doyle on telling your story with your whole heart –17 minutes