Member News
NJWLA is honored to announce that its former Board Member,
Ellen Torregrossa-O’Connor was unanimously confirmed by the Senate as a new Superior Court Judge.
NJWLA congratulates President Elect,
Michelle Schaap, and Board Members,Donna Jennings,
Diana Manning and former Board Member, Ellen Torregrossa-O’Connor for receiving Professionalism Awards at the 2017 Professionalism Luncheon!
Congratulations to
Executive Board Member, Dina Mastellone Tan, who has been named the 2017 recipient of the Excellence in Achievement Award by the Rodino Society of Seton Hall Law School, in recognition of her outstanding leadership, compassion, integrity, and service to the cause of attorney professionalism and equality.
Congratulations to NJWLA Board Member, Elizabeth Watson Gramigna, who recently launched a new firm, Tribu Partners LLP, focused on independent workplace investigations serving clients nationally.
Have you recently …
Won a summary judgment motion?
Closed a big deal?
Tried your first case?
Started a new job?
Had a baby?
Earned a promotion?
Returned to the workforce?
Celebrated 10, 20, 25, etc. years as a lawyer?
Been named a Rising Star or SuperLawyer in your field?
Whatever your good news is, we want you to share your success! Please email with any details you would like to be included in our next NJWLA newsletter
Event Photos

YLD Wine Tasting
September, 2017

Fall Kickoff Cocktail Party
October, 2017

Professionalism Luncheon
November, 2017

Holiday Party
December, 2017 |
December 2017
In This Issue
Member News
Event Photos
NJWLA Statement
2018 Grants Program
NJWLA Scholarship Program
WILL Platinum Gala
Seeking Articles for Gala Journal
Upcoming Events
NJWLA Statement
As year end approaches, the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association would like to take stock of the unprecedented events that took place in 2017. First, we saw a steady stream of brave women come forward to shine a spotlight on deep-seated power dynamics and inappropriate behavior in the workplace that have derailed promising careers of young women and prevented all women from being their authentic selves at work. Then, with each new headline, we learned that no industry or company is immune to gender inequality challenges that require constant and vigilant attention. Finally, and most important of all, our colleagues started to understand how difficult it is for women to speak up in an environment where the organization’s leadership is male dominated and there are legitimate concerns that career opportunities may be lost or action will not be taken.
In 2018, the NJWLA looks forward to making a positive contribution toward the conversations that most certainly will continue through our programming and events. In addition, we are confident that our highly accomplished membership will serve as leaders within their own organizations to help break down barriers and encourage honest discussion that will facilitate an environment where men and women have an equal voice and equal access to opportunities. Finally, the NJWLA will continue to leverage its strong voice within the New Jersey bar to promote women to the highest levels of law firm, government, academic, community, corporate positions and the judiciary.
2018 Grants Program
NJWLA has announced its 2018 Grants Program. Applications and requirements are available here.
NJWLA’s Scholarship Program
NJWLA has announced its Annual Scholarship Essay Contest.
Applications and details can be found here.
NJWLA’s 11th Annual
WILL Platinum Gala
March 20, 2018
NJWLA’s 11th Annual
Women’s Initiative and
Leaders in the Law
(WILL) Platinum Gala
The Grove in Cedar Grove at 5:30 p.m.
Click Here for Gala Details & Sponsorship Opportunities
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy LLP
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
McCarter & English, LLP
Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A.
O’Toole Scrivo Fernandez Weiner Van Lieu
Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.
Cole Schotz P.C.
Fox Rothschild LLP
Littler Mendelson P.C.
Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C.
Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi P.C.
Connell Foley LLP
Genova Burns LLC
Gibbons P.C.
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis
Greenberg Dauber Epstein & Tucker P.C.
Hoagland Longo Moran Dunst & Doukas
Lerner David Littenberg Krumholz Mentlik
McElroy Deutsch Mulvaney & Carpenter
Sherman Wells Sylvester & Stamelman
Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono
Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A.
Law Office of Kirsten Scheurer Branigan
Law Offices of Susan Schleck Kleiner
Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Cocktail Sponsor
Sobel & Co., LLC
Seeking Articles for the Gala Journal
NJWLA is soliciting articles to be published in the 2018 Gala Journal. This is a wonderful opportunity to publish an article or essay. We are seeking articles that relate to NJWLA’s mission and which would be of interest to our members and Gala attendees.
Upcoming Events
Save The Date for NJWLA’s Upcoming Programs!
January 9, 2018
In-House Committee presents:
The Compensation Conversation
January 31, 2018
Young Lawyers Division presents:
A Young Lawyers Round Table
February 8, 2018
Diversity Committee presents:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
a Fresh Perspective
February 28, 2018
NJWLA & HBA-NJ present:
Nuts & Bolts of the Judicial & State Appointments Process |
Message from the President

Annmarie Simeone
It is hard to believe that Winter is just around the corner and we are just a few weeks away from 2018! This Fall, NJWLA hit the ground running, not missing a step from the programming and events that took place over the summer.
On September 7, 2017, our Young Lawyers Division presented a Wine Tasting event, generously hosted by O’Toole Scrivo Fernandez Weiner Van Lieu and sponsored by Olde School Title Services. This event was designed to engage young attorneys and guests in a casual atmosphere, with a chance to network with colleagues while learning about various wines. On all counts, the evening was a great success. On October 3, 2017, we enjoyed the Fall Kickoff Cocktail Party at the Stage House Tavern in Somerset, NJ. This annual event gives everyone an opportunity to meet, mingle, and kick-off another dynamic year of programming. Many thanks to Connell Foley and Veritext for their sponsorship of this event. On November 9, 2017, we were excited to celebrate with our President Elect, Michelle Schaap, as she received the Professional Lawyer of the Year Award on behalf of NJWLA, from the NJ Commission on Professionalism. Also honored that day were Board Members, Donna Jennings, Diana Manning and former Board Member, Ellen Torregrossa-O’Connor. Congratulations to all!
As we enter the holiday season, NJWLA was able to celebrate with its members at its annual holiday party on December 5, 2017. Many thanks to Lowenstein Sandler for hosting this year’s gathering at their fabulous new location. Our members were happy to learn about and support this year’s charitable partner, Girls on the Run, where girls are inspired to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind.
NJWLA’s In-House Committee will host a breakfast meeting on January 9 with the support of Princeton Legal Search Group and Barnes and Noble College. The very busy Young Lawyers Division will welcome in 2018 with a Roundtable Discussion on January 31 at Chiesa, Shahinian & Giantomasi who has graciously agreed to host this program once again for 2018. Please check back to in the near future for more details on the program and how to register to attend.
In February, NJWLA will be presenting two programs on current issues. On February 8, the Diversity Committee will present a panel discussion on leading-edge diversity issues at Seton Hall University School of Law. Details will be released shortly on Later in the month, on February 28, at the NJ Law Center, NJWLA will be working with NJ-HBA on the annual program: “How to Become a Judge, Commissioner or Board Member: Nuts and Bolts of the Judicial and New Jersey State Appointments Process.” We are looking forward to both of these very important programs. Finally, not too far down the road, on March 20, 2018, NJWLA will hold its 11th Annual WILL Platinum Gala. Please follow the links in this newsletter or at to find out more about this year’s impressive honorees and the various sponsorship opportunities available.
NJWLA is proud to continue to offer these programs and events throughout the year and we thank our hosts and sponsors who provide us with invaluable support. We look forward to seeing everyone in the near future! Until then, on behalf of NJWLA, we hope you enjoy a festive holiday season and a prosperous new year!

Holiday Party
December, 2017