On Wednesday, in its first ever Virtual Installation, the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association officially installed its 2020-2021 Board of Directors. The Honorable Lois Goodman, U.S.M.J. administered the oath to President Jemi Goulian Lucey and the NJWLA Board via Zoom. Ms. Lucey outlined her goals for the organization over the next year, which will include programming on promoting NJWLA’s role in effective allyship to address racism in the legal profession, particularly as it relates to Black women, as well as general programming regarding the advancement and retention of women in the legal profession. Ms. Lucey also thanked the Board for their dedication to the organization.

President – Jemi G. Lucey
President Elect – Dina Mastellone
Vice President – Diana Manning
Co-Chief Financial Officers – Donna Jennings, Carole Lynn Nowicki
Co-Chief Operating Officers – Melissa Bracuti, Renée Rubino
Co-Chief Diversity Officers – Sharmila Jaipersaud, Susan O’Connor
Co-Secretaries – Abigail Remore, Loly Tor
Co-General Counsel – Brett Harris, Tanya Mascarich
Immediate Past President – Linda Harvey
Nominations Co-Directors – Annmarie Simeone, Michelle Schaap
Best Practices – Nicole Bearce, Heather Boshak, Catherine Kelly, Jaimee Katz Sussner
Diversity – Ghatul Abdul, Lora Fong
Endorsements – Kathleen Barnett Einhorn, Carmen M. Garcia, Angela Iuso
Gala – Jessica Carroll, Michele Haas
Grants/Charitable Giving– Jen Barna, Wendy Klein, Kate Suell
In-House – Kim Doyle, Marisa Kussoy, Sheea Sybblis, Jewel Watson, Elyse Wolff
Judicial Outreach – Jody Carbone, Harriet Derman, Jennifer Jones, Harriet Farber Klein
Marketing – Irina Elgart, Natalie Richer
Programming/Sponsorship – Jennifer Borek, Nancy Lottinville, Michelle Sekowski
Public Policy – Susan Schleck Kleiner
Solo/Small Firm – Cherie Adams, Osato Chitou, Sheryl Reba
Women’s Leadership – Grace Byrd, Victoria Cioppettini, Silvia Fernandes, Megan Monson
Young Lawyers – Paula Brueckner, Alexandra Loprete, Valerie Weiss
Trustees-At-Large – Christine Baker, Christine Lucarelli-Carniero, Kristin Sostowski, Penny Venetis
Past Presidents – Kirsten Scheurer Branigan, Desha Jackson, Lynda Bennett, Lynne Anne Anderson, Wendy Johnson Lario, Galit Kierkut, Suzanne Cerra, Randi Kochman, Jessica Allen, Loren Pierce