Dedicated to the Advancement of Women in Law

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Join NJWLA or Renew Your Membership

    Kindly complete all required fields. If you are currently employed, please complete the employer information sections. If you are not currently employed, please type “N/A” in the employer information sections.

    NAME OF APPLICANT (required):



    Preferred Contact Phone Number:

    EMAIL where you prefer to receive information (required):

    EMPLOYER NAME (required):

    EMPLOYER ADDRESS (required):

    BUSINESS TELEPHONE (required):

    BUSINESS EMAIL (required):

    BUSINESS WEBSITE (required):




    BAR ADMISSIONS: (please provide jurisdictions and dates admitted):

    Is your admission in good standing?


    Do you belong to any other Bar Associations?


    If yes, please name (separate multiple with commas)

    Does NJWLA have your permission to publish your details on our website in our Find a Lawyer section?


    Under which Practice Area would you like to be listed on the NJWLA Find A Lawyer section on our website? Please list (no more than two areas)

    Are you an In-House Counsel? Would you like to be listed under the In-House Counsel listing on the website?


    Is your firm woman-owned?


    How did you hear about NJWLA. Please list all sources:

    Select from the lists below that describes your
    membership type...

    (A) Full Attorney Member. Any licensed attorney, considered active or inactive by their state licensing board, who supports the purpose and mission of NJWLA, and either regularly practices law in the State of New Jersey or resides in the State of New Jersey will be eligible for Full Attorney Membership in the Association. A Full Attorney Member will be enrolled at either the official address of their New Jersey practice or their New Jersey home address, as the member may request. A Full Attorney Member will have the right to vote and hold office as permitted by the By-laws.(B) Law Student Associate Member. Any person who supports the purpose and mission of NJWLA, and is enrolled in an accredited school of law in the United States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, or any territory in the United States, or any graduate of an accredited school of law who is an applicant for admission to practice law, either in the State of New Jersey or in another state while residing in the State of New Jersey, will be eligible for Law Student Associate Membership in the Association.(C) Law Administrator Associate Member. Any paralegal, legal office manager or legal librarian, who supports the purpose and mission of NJWLA, and either works in a law firm, corporation or government office in New Jersey, or resides in the State of New Jersey, will be eligible for Associate Membership in the Association.(D) Honorary Members, (i.e., Retirees, and Founding Members). Any attorney that is appointed by the Board as an honorary member, such as an individual who has permanently retired from the practice of law, or a founding member will be eligible for membership in the Association. An honorary member will have the right to vote as permitted by the By-laws.(E) None of the above.

    * NOTE: Our by-laws permit only the 4 categories of membership. Those not eligible for any of those 4 categories can be included in our email distribution list and will receive notices of our news and upcoming events

    Select ONLY one of the following which best describes your dues classification:

    Member/employee of Gala SponsorPurchased an individual Gala ticketJudgeLaw ClerkLaw FacultyLaw StudentLawyer in TransitionLegal AdministratorParalegalLibrarianN/A

    Attorney in Private Practice: Law Firm w/50 or more attorneys - $195.00Law Firm w/30-49 attorneys - $145.00Law Firm w/16-29 attorneys - $120.00Law Firm w/15 attorneys or less - $95.00Per Diem or Solo Practitioner - $35.00Young Lawyers (attorneys in private practice less than 7 years or under 36 years of age) - $35.00In-House Counsel - $35.00Government/Public Interest Attorneys - $35.00Retired - $35.00Other (licensed attorney who resides in NJ, but does not fit one of the categories above) - $35.00N/A



  • 2024 NJWLA Grant Announcement

  • NJWLA Scholarship

  • NJWLA Announces its 2024 Scholarship Program

  • View the 2024 Scholarship Recipients

  • VOTE For Board Of Directors 2024-2026

  • Click Here to View

  • 2024 NJWLA Gala

  • View details about the 2024 NJWLA WILL Platinum Gala

  • View our 2024 WILL Platinum Gala Sponsors



  • Colleen Skinner - Executive Director
    (973) 819-9488


    Our Mission

    • Engage in statewide efforts to support and promote our members.
    • Endorse qualified female attorneys for appointments to the state and federal judiciary.
    • Foster leadership among our membership

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