Dedicated to the Advancement of Women in Law

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NJWLA Congratulates Honorable Patty Shwartz

The New Jersey Women Lawyers Association is thrilled to congratulate the Honorable Patty Shwartz on her approved elevation to the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The NJWLA is very proud to have supported President Obama’s October 2011 nomination of Judge Shwartz for the Third Circuit vacancy created by Judge Maryann Trump Barry’s transition to senior status. As the NJWLA advised Senator Menendez last year in an attempt to change his position on supporting her nomination, since becoming a Magistrate Judge in 2003, Judge Shwartz has issued opinions in connection with all aspects of pretrial matters and presided over a number of trials. She has handled thousands of cases, both civil and criminal, and scores of litigants have consented to her trying their cases. In addition, Judge Shwartz has an exceptional judicial temperament and has demonstrated that she is a thoughtful, smart and practical judge. Her experience on the bench, coupled with her background in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, make her eminently suited for the appellate position.

The NJWLA was happy to then be able to congratulate Senator Menendez when he reversed his prior position and endorsed Judge Shwartz. The NJWLA further supported Judge Shwartz by writing to the Senate Judiciary Committee in advance of her confirmation hearing. The NJWLA applauds the fact that qualified women like Judge Shwartz are being elevated to the Third Circuit bench and remains hopeful that there will be a continued increase of representation of women on the federal bench.

The NJWLA is an independent bar association with over 1,000 members committed to the advancement and promotion of qualified women to the highest levels of the legal profession. The NJWLA is also active in the judicial appointment process and has successfully endorsed several candidates for the federal and state judiciary.


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  • Colleen Skinner - Executive Director
    (973) 819-9488


    Our Mission

    • Engage in statewide efforts to support and promote our members.
    • Endorse qualified female attorneys for appointments to the state and federal judiciary.
    • Foster leadership among our membership

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