Dedicated to the Advancement of Women in Law

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New Year, New Skills Panel a Great Success!

Thank you to NJWLA’s Young Lawyers Committee and the NJSBA Young Lawyers Division, for an informative and fun panel discussion surrounding in person practice in the court room, the board room, and the lunch room. Our impressive panelists, Melanie Chernoff, Ali LopreteValerie WeissNaSheena Porter and Nicole Castiglione, led by Moderator, Rachael Segal and introduced by Danielle Schweizer, provided helpful tips on practicing, managing time, managing adversaries, and tools that have worked for them in their various fields of practice. The event was graciously hosted and sponsored by

Lerner David LLPin a lovely space for networking, with an incredible spread of dinner that led to even more conversation and gathering. We thank all who attended, our panelists, planners, and host and sponsor for a fabulous event!


  • 2024 NJWLA Grant Announcement

  • NJWLA Scholarship

  • NJWLA Announces its 2024 Scholarship Program

  • View the 2024 Scholarship Recipients

  • VOTE For Board Of Directors 2024-2026

  • Click Here to View

  • 2024 NJWLA Gala

  • View details about the 2024 NJWLA WILL Platinum Gala

  • View our 2024 WILL Platinum Gala Sponsors



  • Colleen Skinner - Executive Director
    (973) 819-9488


    Our Mission

    • Engage in statewide efforts to support and promote our members.
    • Endorse qualified female attorneys for appointments to the state and federal judiciary.
    • Foster leadership among our membership

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