Dedicated to the Advancement of Women in Law

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NJWLA 2023-2024 Board Installation

NJWLA’s 2023-2024 Board Members gathered last week at the Spanish Tavern in Mountainside for the annual Installation Dinner.

Immediate Past President

Diana Manning welcomed everyone and offered opening remarks and gratitude to the NJWLA Board for their dedication and support during her term. NJWLA President Sharmila Jaipersaud then spoke about her path to the NJWLA presidency with a heartfelt and personal speech about the sisterhood of NJWLA and the importance of continuing to support, both professionally and personally, our sisters in law. NJWLA was fortunate to have past president, Honorable Jessica S. Allen, U.S.M.J., in attendance to administer the oath of office to the incoming board.

It was a fabulous evening with past presidents, current leadership, and future leaders of NJWLA enjoying a celebration of the upcoming term! We look forward to sharing news and upcoming events with our members.

It was an eventful and well deserved celebratory week for

NJWLA President, Sharmila Jaipersaud,

as she was also recognized by The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law. Sharmila received the Professional Lawyer of the Year award on behalf of NJWLA at the Professionalism Luncheon where she was cheered on by several NJWLA Board Members and her family. Congratulations to Sharmila and to all of the award recipients!


  • 2024 NJWLA Grant Announcement

  • NJWLA Scholarship

  • NJWLA Announces its 2024 Scholarship Program

  • View the 2024 Scholarship Recipients

  • VOTE For Board Of Directors 2024-2026

  • Click Here to View

  • 2024 NJWLA Gala

  • View details about the 2024 NJWLA WILL Platinum Gala

  • View our 2024 WILL Platinum Gala Sponsors



  • Colleen Skinner - Executive Director
    (973) 819-9488


    Our Mission

    • Engage in statewide efforts to support and promote our members.
    • Endorse qualified female attorneys for appointments to the state and federal judiciary.
    • Foster leadership among our membership

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